Dubrovnik — a Diverse Mix of Beaches, Nightlife and History
Dubrovnik may not be Croatia’s capital city, but it’s undoubtedly one of the country’s heaviest hitters when it comes to charm and culture.
Dubrovnik may not be Croatia’s capital city, but it’s undoubtedly one of the country’s heaviest hitters when it comes to charm and culture.
We have compiled a list of our favorite places in Tucson – what to see, where to eat, where to sleep and some ideas for trips out of town.
Want the detail on the best beaches to see across Central America? Here are some to try!
This travel guide to Nong Khiaw (Nong Khiew) includes places to stay, where to eat, what to do and see, and where you find the best free wifi in town.
A trip to the serene, sleepy village on the shores of the Nam Ou River in Northern Laos, Muang Ngoi Neua, feels like a trip back in time – but you don’t want to go there…
Costa Rica is the gem in Central America’s tourism crown: lush, green jungles, wild animals, breathtaking beaches and a well-developed infrastructure make a trip to Costa Rica as easy as it can be adventurous, suitable for many different types of visitors. The level of development, however, has also raised prices on goods and services, hotel rates and transportation to a level that most budget travelers (falsely) believe to be out of their range.
These thirty three things are just a start – there were so many positive aspects of our time in Costa Rica, we could easily list thirty three more! Feel free to share your favs here, too!
Warmer than continental Europe and without all that typical fog, London is an excellent winter holiday destination for festivities and long strolls ending, of course, at the pub!
As passionate street art fans, Valencia is something similar to our Mecca. The Spanish city is teeming with unique graffiti and murals, which makes for fascinating sightseeing throughout local neighborhoods! …
“EEEeee! This is just like Eat Pray Love!” Jaime squealed as we pedaled away from the bike rental shop on our shiny bikes to explore the Caribbean beaches of the Costa Rican coast. What we discovered were some of the most laid-back, beautiful beaches in Central America.