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Polaroid of the week: Views over Santiago de Chile and the Andes

Polaroid of the week: Views over Santiago de Chile and the Andes

Last Updated on May 10, 2024

polaroid of the week chile santiago viewsOnce our book was published last week, it was time to stop living like hermits and explore our temporary home of Santiago. We set off to get an overview of the city at the highest lookout point: Cerro San Cristobal. This hill rises 300m above surrounding Santiago revealing views of the city and out over the Andes to the east.

There is a funicular railway that transports passengers to the top within minutes, but unfortunately it has been out of order for over three months. So we hiked the hill instead. One hour of steep hiking and thin air later we arrived to the top, or better said, the bottom – we arrived at the feet of a 22 meter statue of the Virgin Mary looking out at the snow covered peaks and busy city streets below…kind of. While the Chilean capital was strategically founded in a wide basin surrounded by mountains to protect against intruders in the 16th century, the industrialization of the 20th and now 21st centuries make ‘views’ of Santiago limited by a heavy blanket of smog.

Our friend Ashley recommended a trip up Cerro San Cristobal after a day of rain, which tends to wash away the smog – this ‘clear’ air was the result. In the winter months with heavier winds, we have been told the air here is much more clear than what we captured in the Polaroid above.

Duncan & Jane @ To Travel Too

Sunday 7th of April 2013

We love your site and Facebook , interestingly enough we were both in Santiago about the same time and have also like you travelled to the Iguassu falls. We have set up a travel blog in its infancy, currently via facebook and soon we will have a web page etc. We would welcome your support and insights to help grow the communities . Thanks so much for your inspiration . Lots of love, Jane and Duncan @ To Travel Too

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures

Friday 28th of December 2012

WOW beyond beyond gorgeous!!


Saturday 29th of December 2012

Thanks, Andi!

Cam @ Traveling Canucks

Friday 28th of December 2012

When we visited that same hill during the summer it was so smoggy we couldn't even see the mountains. It's nice to finally see what we missed!


Saturday 29th of December 2012

We climbed the other viewpoint, Cerro Santa Lucia, on Thursday, and there were no views that day - way too much smog.. such a shame!