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GlobetrotterGirl of the Month May 2013: Torre DeRoche, author, blogger and sailor

Our May GlobetrotterGirl of the Month is Torre DeRoche, who put all fear behind her to jump on a humble boat and sail across the Pacific. Read on for how breaking free turned Torre into a successful author living the live of her dreams.

Read More about GlobetrotterGirl of the Month May 2013: Torre DeRoche, author, blogger and sailor

What I Wonder When I Wander: If knowledge is power, then why is travel weakening me with neuroses?

After a few weeks here in New York, Jess reflects on the difficulties of reconciling the knowledge gained on the road within the confines of everyday life, and whether or not she is entirely neurotic. You be the judge in this week’s What I Wonder column!

Read More about What I Wonder When I Wander: If knowledge is power, then why is travel weakening me with neuroses?