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Great American Road Trip: NYC2NOLA **Extended** (Is there ever really a final destination for nomads?)

We extended our Great American Road Trip 2011 from New Orleans up to Chicago, with a stop in Memphis, TN. 3,000 miles, 15 states, and a lot of deep fried fixin’s later, NYC2NOLA road trip has finally come to an end. Read on for updates on the last days and find out where we are headed next.

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Observations from the halfway point on the Great American Road Trip

Everyone loves a road trip! It’s not for the hot sweaty car rides or the stress of finding parking. It’s the freedom, the movement, and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe so much of the USA. We’re at the halfway point, so please read on for our observations from on the road, plus something about a beer tasting event here in Savannah!

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