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How to spend a weekend in Bournemouth

How to spend a weekend in Bournemouth

Last Updated on March 4, 2020

When we talk about UK getaways, it won’t come as a surprise to hear that London often tops the charts. For as long as the world spins round, and whether or not the UK is in or out of the European Union, this is something that is never going to change.

In some ways, this is highly unfortunate. After all, while nobody can take away the immense tourism power that London has, let’s not forget that there are plenty of other destinations in the UK that often go unnoticed. Sure, locals know about them, but they are hidden gems to everyone else.

Bournemouth certainly falls into this category. It’s regarded as one of the more premium coastal regions of the UK, although it does have plenty of hotels at excellent value. Bearing this in mind, today’s post is going to delve into Bournemouth in more detail and show some of the top things you can do if you take to this city.

Take to the piers

There are actually two piers that form part of Bournemouth, with both worthy of a mention. The first comes in the form of Bournemouth Pier itself. This has been going strong for nigh-on 140 years and still attracts plenty of attention. In fact, in the peak times at least, you sometimes have to pay to get on.

If you’ve never visited a pier on the English coast before, this should be the one you target. It has everything you’ve heard about, whether it be traditional games, an arcade and even a play area for children (this used to be a popular theatre). Then, when it comes to Boscombe Pier, this is a little more low-key. It doesn’t have all the attractions, but it is a restored Victorian pier and provides some stunning views across the sea.

Have a go on the West Cliff Lift

If you do make it towards Bournemouth Pier, try and get to the West Cliff Lift as well. This has been running since 1908 – and you can almost tell by the facade. Nevertheless, it’s an incredible sight and experience, with the railway carrying up to 12 passengers up one of Bournemouth’s cliffs. Unsurprisingly, the views are second to none.
West Cliff Lift, Bournemouth, Dorset

The Oceanarium

The sea is a major attraction that forms part of Bournemouth, and the aquarium just buys into all of this. The centre has established ten different environments within itself, meaning that whether you are looking to see what resides in the Great Barrier Reef or the Amazon, you won’t be disappointed. More recently, they have also added penguins.
Bournemouth Oceanarium

Peppa Pig World

OK, this final suggestion might not be for everyone, but if you happen to have little people in your family, we are pretty sure it is going to go down a storm.

While not strictly in Bournemouth itself, Peppa Pig World happens to be a short drive away. It’s actually part of Paulton’s Park, meaning if you have slightly older children as well, they are going to have the time of their lives when they visit as well.
Bournemouth East Beach - land train - Peppa Pig World

Photo Credit: All images used via Flickr’s Creative Commons Licensing. (1) Bournemouth by Phil Beard; (2) Bournemouth Pier by Diamond Geezer; (3) West Cliff Lift by Alwyn Ladell; (4) Oceanarium by Lebatihem; (5) Peppa Pig Train by Elliott Brown