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Polaroid of the week: New York’s magnificent Flatiron Building

Polaroid of the week: New York’s magnificent Flatiron Building

Last Updated on October 9, 2024

polaroid usa new york city flatiron bulidingReaders, I am freaking out! Only one more Polaroid from New York and I’ll be on my way to South America. I am torn between excitement and misery – on the one hand, I am drooling over pictures of pristine Caribbean beaches as I’ve finally started to plan my trip in more detail (I hope by the time the next Polaroid rolls around I know where I’ll rest my head when I arrive in Colombia in less than two weeks!), but on the other hand I am devastated about leaving New York.. as always! However, since it’s getting quite chilly now, I feel like it’s a good time to leave, and to know that when I get back, I won’t need my winter coat and boots anymore.

As for the last week and what I’ve been up to.. I was happy that several friends who had left NYC for the Holidays were returning from their trips, making sure I wouldn’t turn into a crazy cat lady (I am looking after four cats at the moment..) by getting me out of the house more often again. The last week was a bit dreary to be honest – it seemed like the sun hadn’t made an appearance in days, and winter blues started to set in. I am such an outdoors person, love sitting outside in the morning in  the summer with a cup of coffee, starting my day outside with some fresh air, or simply going on my morning run without an extra layer and freezing fingers, or enjoying the sunset in the park. I even work in the park during the warmer months, taking notes for articles or researching something online. With winter arriving, none of this is possible and I am in dire need of some vitamin D.

However, considering I danced the night away on New Years Eve, had more good food in the past seven days than I dare to admit to, have been enjoying great company here in New York and have been staying in an amazing apartment, I feel bad about complaining, because when I put things in perspective, I am living a pretty sweet life, no matter how cold it is outside (the cats are helping me stay warm) 🙂

I hope you all had a good start to the New Year – where did you ring in 2016?

New York’s Magnificent Flatiron Building - Globetrotter Girls - Purple Roofs Gay Travel Blog | Purple Roofs Gay Travel Blog

Sunday 3rd of January 2016

[…] By Dani – Full Story at Globetrotter Girls […]


Sunday 3rd of January 2016

Great photo! We began New Year's in Poland, our homeland. But we are living to Asia in less than 2 weeks- can't wait :)


Sunday 3rd of January 2016

Thank you! Sadly I had to cut the photo to fit the Polaroid but you can see the full photo here, with the Flatiron Building in its full glory :) Have fun in Asia, Karolina! :)


Saturday 2nd of January 2016

How long will you be in Colombia for? I'll be there in February for about a month!


Sunday 3rd of January 2016

I'll be there throughout February, I think :) Do you have an itinerary yet? Maybe our paths will cross somewhere :D