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Polaroid of the week: Pride March in Buenos Aires

Polaroid of the week: Pride March in Buenos Aires

Last Updated on March 6, 2025

polaroid of the week argentina buenos aires pride 2012We arrived in Argentina just in time for the biggest pride parade in the country – the 21st gay pride march in Buenos Aires. The parade starts on the Plaza de Mayo, in front of the Casa Rosada (the office of Argentina’s president) and follows the Avenida de Mayo up to Congress. Argentina is the gay-friendliest country in Latin America and has improved gay rights significantly over the last few years.

The first country to legalize gay marriage (including adoption rights) in 2010, Argentina is also the first South American country to approve a gender identity law, which grants people the right to change their physical gender identity without having to undergo a longsome psychiatric and judicial process beforehand.

The Guy

Wednesday 28th of November 2012

It's good to see the rain didn't ruin the fun. That is also an interesting bit of history about Argentina being a leader of rights in the area.


Wednesday 28th of November 2012

Thanks, we definitely feel comfortable here as a gay couple.


Monday 19th of November 2012

Really? I thought Canada was the first...


Monday 19th of November 2012

The first country in South America - reading my sentence again, I guess that doesn't come across 100 per cent clear :)


Thursday 15th of November 2012

That looks wonderful! I would've loved to have been there. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Buenos Aires compares with the big west European cities I know in terms of acceptance of homosexuality. I have high hopes!


Friday 16th of November 2012

Sam - we have high hopes too! We were also surprised about the mix of the crowd at the parade - old people, teenagers, goths & punks, and all having a great time together...such a big acceptance! :)